Foods that grow belly fat are hard to resist for long, and so, eventually people give in to their desire to consume such foods. Belly fat doesn’t grow in a day. It is a result of eating unhealthy food over a prolonged duration and a lack of physical activity. If you, too, have been struggling to shed those extra kilos and get rid of belly fat, then we are here to help you. We have made a list of the 5 best belly fat burning juice recipes.
When people realize that their body weight is going out of control and their belly is getting out of shape, they start following strict diet plans. They even join a gymnasium or fitness center to become fit. In the beginning, people are very excited to start a new chapter of life that is free from obesity and diseases.
But within a few days or weeks, most people lose momentum. They start craving their favorite foods and beverages. It becomes difficult for them to continue with their diet plans and exercise. They go back to their old ways. When they notice what’s happening to them, they become stressed. Now, they become unwell, even mentally, due to guilt and disappointment. Therefore, solutions like the best belly fat burning juice recipes can help them a lot.
How Does Belly Fat Occur? What are the Risks Involved?
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Before we have a look at the belly fat burning juice recipes, let’s see what causes belly fat. Belly fat can occur in both men and women of all age groups. Even those people who are not obese might have some belly fat. Food items that contain excessive sugar are one of the biggest causes of belly fat.
Apart from sugar-sweetened foods and beverages, junk food items, high-calorie foods, and fried foods are also responsible for belly fat. Lack of physical activity and chronic stress are also the reasons behind the occurrence of belly fat. In the case of some people, genetics also play a major role. Bad habits like smoking and drinking can also cause the accumulation of fat in the abdomen.
It’s necessary to burn belly fat because it can lead to dangerous outcomes, such as high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes, heart ailments, liver problems, cardiovascular disease, and asthma. Belly fat is considered to be the most harmful fat in your body because it surrounds internal organs. Belly fat can even cause disorders like dementia.
Thus, the 5 best belly fat burning juice recipes are beneficial for every person who wants to get rid of belly fat. The most common mistake that many people make while trying to lose weight is that they make drastic changes to their eating habits, sleeping patterns, lifestyle, and more.
As a result, they get overwhelmed pretty quickly due to sudden changes. They start having obsessive thoughts about the foods and beverages they usually consume. In such a situation, the majority of people leave their goals related to weight loss behind. The correct approach is that you should make only a few changes in the beginning. Over time, you can introduce more changes to your diet and lifestyle.

5 Best Belly Fat Burning Juice Recipes: Read About Them Here
Irrespective of the reason behind the belly fat in your body, it can prove to be harmful to you. Belly fat can put you at risk of several health issues. Therefore, you must work toward burning belly fat as soon as possible. The 5 best belly fat burning juice recipes will help you in doing so.
Cucumber Juice
Cucumber is a vegetable that is not liked by many people due to its taste. Despite being extremely healthy, cucumbers are not included in regular meal plans. But if you want to lose that belly fat, you must drink cucumber juice.
We have explained different variations of the cucumber juice recipe here. You can use peeled or unpeeled cucumber as per your preference. The first recipe is extremely simple. All you need is cucumber and water. You have to make cucumber juice in a juicer or a blender.
The second recipe includes cucumber and two additional ingredients. You have to make juice from a cucumber, mint leaves, and lemon juice. The lemon juice will increase the taste quotient in the juice. The ingredients used in the third recipe are cucumber, green apple, and lemon juice. If you are using 1 cucumber and 1 green apple, you need to use 1tbsp lemon juice. Put all three ingredients and water in a juicer or a blender and mix well.
While cucumbers are high in water content, green apples are low in fat content. So, a juice made from these two ingredients is ideal for burning belly fat. The fourth recipe for cucumber juice includes celery, lemon juice, and ginger as ingredients. Put all the ingredients in a blender or juicer and mix well. You should use just a few drops of water to make any of these cucumber juice recipes.
Watermelon Juice
The second juice in the list of the 5 best belly fat burning juice recipes is watermelon juice. You just need to put watermelon pieces in a juicer or a blender jar and make the juice. If you can’t convince yourself to drink cucumber juice, you can go for watermelon juice. Remember not to add sugar to the juice. Watermelon juice not only keeps you hydrated but also helps in weight loss.
Pineapple Juice
If you love eating pineapple just like many other people, you can drink pineapple juice to remove belly fat. You need to add pineapple pieces and water in a blender jar or juicer and mix well. You should use only a little amount of water. You can add a pinch of salt if you want. Pineapple improves your digestion and detoxifies your body. There are many other benefits that pineapple can provide to your body, such as reducing inflammation and increasing immunity.
Carrot Juice
If you are not a fan of fruits and don’t even want to consume cucumber, then carrot juice is the perfect option for you. It is one of the 5 best belly fat burning juice recipes because of the high fiber content of carrots. Your metabolism will increase, and you will be able to avoid constipation by drinking carrot juice regularly.
Orange Juice
If you don’t want to try any new juice made from vegetables or fruits, you can drink orange juice. Orange juice is the classic favorite of a large number of people. Many people start their day with a glass of fresh orange juice. Orange is a fruit with zero fat content and a low-calorie count. So, you lose belly fat by consuming orange juice. Moreover, orange juice can make you feel fuller for long, thereby stopping you from gaining unnecessary calories.
The 5 best belly fat burning juice recipes described in the list above have helped many people in losing weight and burning belly fat. You can drink different juice every day if you get bored by consuming the same beverage every day. If you want, you can even create your own versions of the recipes by using ingredients that are healthy and flavorful.
People usually try to burn belly fat and get in shape in order to look good. But the biggest factor that should motivate you to become fit is your health. You should keep your body weight in control so that you can keep diseases at bay.