Can Dogs Have Tangerines

Can Dogs Have Tangerines

For a fat-free and cholesterol-free diet, we often include tangerines in our meals. Thanks to its loaded nutrients and antioxidant properties. As we care for our dogs, we may think, Can dogs have tangerines?

The good news is that tangerines are safe for dogs in small quantities. You must make sure that they don’t eat the seeds, peel, and white fibrous lining along with the fruits. Also, make sure you are offering them when they fit into the position of eating tangerines. It is because these fruits offer both merits and demerits based on a dog’s health condition.

Keep reading this article to find out some amazing facts related to feeding tangerines to our paw friends.

All About Tangerines?

Tangerines are citrus fruits that belong to the Rutaceae family. They are a variety of Mandarin oranges and are less rounded. Besides, tangerines are smaller than oranges, but their colour is the same. Their taste is sweet, strong, and a bit sour. They have thin peels and pebble skin, and they don’t have any deep grooves.

Tangerines are a seasonal fruit, available from autumn to spring. People eat them alone or by adding salads and desserts.

Can Dogs Have Tangerines?

If citrus fruits are safe for dogs in small amounts, so are tangerines. They are rich in vitamin C and antioxidants and have few amounts of folate, potassium, and calcium.

Can Dogs Have Tangerines

We know dogs can produce vitamin C naturally, so they don’t need that much vitamin C in their diet. It means tangerines should be in smaller amounts in their meal. Also, they should be an occasional treat for them. It is because tangerines come from the genus Citrus, and too much citric acid can harm them.

What Are The Benefits Of Having Tangerines For Dogs?

Tangerines have uncountable health benefits as they contain multiple nutrients. 100 grams of tangerine contains 44% vitamin C, 5% vitamin B6, 3% calcium, 4% potassium, and 6% dietary fibre.

Vitamin C will stimulate your dog’s collagen synthesis, promote iron absorption, strengthen his immune system, and fight against chronic disease. Again, its antioxidant properties will protect your dog from free radicals and prevent cancer.

With trace amounts of vitamin B6, tangerines can promote brain health and the nervous system. Also, calcium will take care of dogs’ bone health, and potassium will improve their muscle health. The dietary fibre will regulate the bowel movement and prevent constipation.

Along with nutrients, tangerines offer a natural sweet taste. That’s why most dogs get baffled seeing this sweet fruit in their meal.

What Are The Risks Of Having Tangerines For Dogs?

Unfortunately, tangerines can be harmful to dogs sometimes, especially when they don’t eat them properly. For example, the pits and peels of oranges have essential oils and other chemical compounds that dogs can’t digest. Eating these parts can lead to vomiting, diarrhoea, or an upset stomach. The seeds can cause a choking hazard too, especially for dogs with small oesophagus.

Sometimes we include the white fibrous lining of tangerines while feeding them to dogs. They are also a dangerous substitute that they can have.

Tangerines are a favourite of most of us because of their taste. That sweet taste comes from the fructose and sucrose. If a dog eats more tangerines, he is indirectly consuming these sugars. This can result in gaining weight or obesity. For a diabetic dog, too much sugar can be life-threatening for him. It is because high amounts of sugar spike the blood sugar level. Moreover, the high sugar content can result in dental plaque or tooth decay.

Another reason why tangerines can pose health threats to dogs is because of their citrus nature. Most vets don’t allow feeding lemons and grapes because they are citrus fruits. Meanwhile, oranges can be safer for them if taken in small quantities. Consuming too many tangerines will disrupt their gastrointestinal system and trigger allergic reactions.

How To Offer Tangerines To Dogs?

You must take a fresh and ripe tangerine first. Wash it and remove its peel. Then remove the white fibrous linings from the segments. Take one segment from the fruit and cut it into bite-sized pieces. Also, remove the seeds or pits (if any).

Before including tangerine in your dog’s meal, introduce it to him. Let him eat the slightest part of the tangerine’s segment. If he seems comfortable, you can let him have another bite. But if he gives any negative reaction, it means Tangerine is not for him.

Anyway, dogs who like tangerines can have it alone, with dog food, or with other fruits. In the hot summer, you can puree the orange and freeze it in an ice cube tray. Your dog will love to lick it when he is dehydrated.

How Many Tangerines Should You Give To Your Dog?

The amount of tangerine that you should give your dog mostly depends on the breed. For example, a Yorkie and a German Shepherd eat two segments of a tangerine individually. You will see the Yorkie is throwing up after eating the orange, while the German Shepherd is fine as usual. This is because larger bodies can adapt to more foods. Hence, small breeds should eat less tangerine than large breeds.

Can Dogs Have Tangerines

Pugs and other extra-small dogs can have ¼ of a tangerine’s segment. A small breed like Basenji can have ½ of a segment. Medium dogs, like Border Collies, can eat one segment, and large breeds like German shepherds can have 1 ½ segments. Newfoundlands and other extra-small dogs can eat up to two segments of a tangerine.

When Can Dogs Have Tangerines?

When we say dogs can have tangerines, this doesn’t apply to all dogs. For instance, diabetic dogs can’t eat any sort of orange because of the sugar. Again, allergic dogs can’t have oranges because of their citrus nature. Overweight dogs should also avoid oranges in excess.

Sometimes, the health records of dogs restrict them from consuming plant-based or any foods. Tangerines can be on that list. In that case, you must stop giving these fruits to your furry friends.

Frequently Asked Questions: Can Dogs Have Tangerines?

Can dogs eat tangerines every day?

Tangerines should not be an everyday fruit for dogs. They are high in citric acid and vitamin C, which dogs rarely need. So feed these fruits to them once or twice a week.

Are tangerines and mandarin oranges the same?

Mandarin oranges are citrus fruits, and tangerines are a type of mandarin orange. In Mandarin oranges, we have clementines and tangerines. So yeah, tangerines and mandarins are the same.

Are citrus fruits toxic to dogs?

Citrus fruits, like lemons and grapes, are harmful to dogs. Raisins are also harmful for them, as they come from grapes. Meanwhile, oranges and berries can be safe for dogs in small amounts, as they are not as strong as lemons and grapes.

What happens if a dog eats too many tangerines?

Eating too many tangerines will cause diarrhoea and stomach pain in dogs. Their citrus nature, sugar, and fibre can be toxic to them in high amounts.

Final Thoughts

Since tangerines pose some health threats, we may wonder, Can dogs have tangerines? The answer is yes if they are not allergic, not diabetic, and are under their vets’ guidance.

Dogs can build vitamin C on their own. So don’t include tangerines in their diet if they are already consuming this vitamin from their daily meal.

Sometimes our canine friends get curious and eat more segments of the orange than necessary. In that case, you must let them throw up and inform their vet about the symptoms. Also, consider not adding any citrus fruit to their diet for a couple of days after they have eaten so much.