The insider ownership percentage is the key indicator, can be used by investors, to measure the outlook of senior management has on their company. Insider ownership for the MUX is 0.80%. Institutional ownership refers to the ownership stake in a company that is held by large financial organizations, pension funds or endowments. The Institutional ownership for the MUX is 28.10%.
Insider trading is the buying or selling of any publicly traded company’s stock and this can be done by someone who has non-public, material information about that MUX. Insider trading can be illegal or legal depending on when the insider makes the trade. It is illegal when the material information is still non-public. The insider transactions of the company (6-month change in insider ownerships) for the McEwen Mining Inc. (NYSE:MUX) is -1.05%.
Institutional transactions is the amount of a McEwen Mining Inc. (NYSE:MUX)’s available stock owned by mutual or pension funds, insurance companies, investment firms, private foundations, endowments or other large entities that actually manage the funds on the behalf of others, so its an interesting element for the traders to note it, and the Institutional ownership for the MUX is -4.13%.
A Basic Materials sector firm, McEwen Mining Inc. (NYSE:MUX) stock shed -8.11% on Sunday and when day-trade ended the stock finally concluded at $1.70 and number of shares that changed hands during the day are 4.61 Million. The number of shares MUX stock currently held by all its shareholders are 353.83 and floated shares, the number of shares are available for trading in an open market on last trading day are 279.27. The average volume of shares for 3 months is 2341.32 and MUX stock value has moved between $1.23 – 2.54 in last one year.
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The McEwen Mining Inc. (NYSE:MUX)’s latest earnings date is 7/30/2019. The Gross margin is the difference between the revenue and the cost of goods sold (COGS), divided by revenue. In other words, Gross Margin is a percentage value, while Gross Profit is a monetary value. The valuable gross margin for McEwen Mining Inc. (NYSE:MUX) is 22.40% and the profit margin is -48.30% and the stock has gained -6.59% in 2019 to date.
McEwen Mining Inc. (NYSE:MUX)’s monthly stock performance is 14.86%, the quarterly performance is 12.58%, the half year performance is calculated as -11.46%. The yearly performance of MUX is -22.37%.
The higher the volatility, the riskier the security. For example, when the stock market rises and falls more than one percent over a sustained period of time, it is called a “volatile” market, if the stock price stays relatively stable, the security has low volatility. The McEwen Mining Inc. (NYSE:MUX) weekly volatility is measured as 6.37% and monthly volatility measured as 5.93%.
Return on assets (ROA) is a main indicator of how profitable a company is relative to its total assets. MUX return on assets is -8.10%, the return on equity (ROE) of the McEwen Mining Inc. (NYSE:MUX) is -10.00%, while the most important return on investment is calculates as a percentage and is typically used for personal financial decisions, and MUX return on investment is -8.10%.
The price to sales ratio is 5.83, and price to book ratio is 1.16, price to cash per share ration is 37.36.
Analysts mean target price for McEwen Mining Inc. (NYSE:MUX) is $2.63. The current share price indicates that stock is -32.54% away from its one year high and is moving 38.21% ahead of its 52-week low. MUX’s distance from 20 day simple moving average is 2.53% and distance from 50-Day simple moving average is 13.96%.
Laggard in Focus: McEwen Mining Inc. (NYSE:MUX)