Escape from Pretoria is a thriller film made on the true story of three young political prisoners. It is made in Adelaide, South Australia.
The film is based on the book by Tim Jenkin called Inside Out: Escape from Pretoria Prison. Francis Annan is the director and writer of the movie. It is the production of South Australian Film Corporation.
The film is a true story of political prisoners Tim Jenkin, Stephen Lee, and other two white South Africans who also with them. They hatched the story to break out of Pretoria Central Prison in 1979.
They were in jail due to producing and distributing of 18 different pamphlets on behalf of banned organisations. That was the apartheid era in South Africa. They make a plan to escape.
The story seems quite interesting. The trailer of the film has launched here you can watch the amazing trailer of the film.
Who Will in it?
Table of Contents
In the leading cast stars of the film, Daniel Radcliffe as Tim Jenkin, Ian Hart as Denis Goldberg, Daniel Webber as Stephen Lee, Mark Leonard Winter as Leonard Fontaine, Nathan Page as Mongo and Adam Ovidia as Van Zadelhoff are included.